Sitemap - 2023 - Permission Granted

How to make a resolution you'll keep.

The most valuable expression is the one you can give lovingly by choice.

Your dreams are not frivolous.

A meaningful life is not for the faint of heart.

Permission in trying times.

Are you failing gloriously?

You don't have to stuff your whole life in a couple of decades

The dial doesn't go down as fast as it goes up.

You don't have to betray yourself to grow.

Caring for yourself while caring about everything.

Permission is the bridge between your ideas and actions

Are your dreams on the bottom of your To Do list?

Well, Let's Just See What Happens

Goo is part of change.

That's not allowed.

You don't have to have the words.

Fear is a main ingredient.

Permission and food is so complicated.

I want to skip over this part.

The ripple effect of Grounded Energy

If You Aren't Grounded Expect Some Thunderbolts

Are you missing the good moments now while you worry about the future?

Embracing the Power of Transformation and Grounding Yourself in the Present

You don't have to be one thing forever.

Just tell me what to do!

Writing your own Game of Life rules

Is it really any good?

You're not the problem.

It's never too late to make your life fit you better

All the things you haven't done

When your best friend doesn't support your project.

Being the leading lady in your own life.

4 Things to remember when you are worried about making bad choices.

When good things feel awful.

You will never always make the right decision.

You don't have to feel guilty.

The most dangerous word.

There are no wasted days.

You don't have to sell millions to make your work meaningful.

Know, Like and Trust

Perfectionism exists only in our minds.

And, also

35,000 Decisions a day. I'm Exhausted.

Do you find yourself on the edge of something you want, but just can't bridge the gap?

You can make art after you call your Mom.

If it was easy you would have done it already.

Your unconscious thoughts are your fears on "Shuffle"

I walked a marathon and thought I'd be fit forever.

Marie Kondo your brain!

Giving Yourself Permission is a Decision

The Good Life is Now.

You just have to "Give Yourself Permission"